
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Day 9

I have now been in the hospital for 9 days. The doctor has came in this afternoon and I asked her what the chance for me to go home was and she said "I don't think you will be going home until after you have the baby". That means I am here for a while. I will go back for an ultra sound on Monday and they will measure the babies size and see if she has grown any. If she has she will get to stay in for a little while longer, and if she has not grown she might be having a birthday next week. So if everyone will cross you fingers for us that things stay the same and that she has grown and can stay in a little while longer that would be great. We need all the good vibes we can get. Longer she is inside the better her chances are on the outside.

Again another day.... I will post again tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. You have been on my mind :) Thinking of you, Aaron and baby girl.

    Let me know if there anything i can do to make it easier, send books, play more Scramble, etc :)


