
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Thank you

I just wanted to say thank you to every one that was been thinking about us. I am grateful for all of you thoughts and wishes.

I was discharged from the hospital yesterday afternoon. It has been a little hectic trying to get things taken care, and adjusting back to "normal" life. Lots of little things to take care since I have been home. I am sure it will take a few days to get on a schedule. Since coming home I haven't had time to really sit down and respond to every ones emails, so I thought I would write a blog and cover every ones questions.

I am doing fine since coming home, still a little sore. I am sure that is to be expected. It is hard to go home and not being baby, but I will be going everyday to see her.

Raegan is doing good. She has put on 4oz since Sunday, and she is now up to 1 lb 10oz. Just before we got there today they took the phototherapy lights off of her. The jaundice is gone. Also the she had a valve in her heart that did not close, and that has now closed. She is breathing with little help from the ventilator. Today she had her eyes open for a long time.

Over all things are looking good. We took pictures of her today, so tomorrow I will post new photos. For tonight, I am losing my train of thought, time to go to bed. Again thank you to everyone that is think about us and continue to think good thoughts.

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