
Thursday, August 7, 2008

One Month Old

I know it has been a few days since I have posted a blog. Things have been crazy around here. Lots of things going on. Last weekend my mom and I had a yard sale to raise money for Raegan, and we went to a birthday party. This week Aaron changed his work schedule, now working 6a-2:30p. We are getting back to normal. It's nice having Aaron home in the afternoons, and being able to cook dinner for him again.

So Raegan is one month old. She is currently 2 lbs 8oz and 14.5in long. She is doing really good. I have got to hold her every day this week. She has reached a full feeding and they are now adding supplements to the breast milk to help her gain weight, and get strong. They took her IV out on Tuesday. She is working on coming off the c-pap. They are sprinting her between the c-pap and the nasal cannula. She spends about 6 hours on the c-pap and then 6 hours on the nasal cannula, going back and forth. She really hates the c-pap. She is a much happier girl on the nasal cannula. She is ready to come off the c-pap for good, but she will come off it soon.

Other than that not much is changed with Raegan. Aaron got to hold her for the first time on Sunday. I told him that in order to hold her again he has to change her diaper! We are also in the process of trying to get the insurance to approve and pay for her to be moved to a hospital closer to home. I hope that might happen some time next week. For now I will keep driving to Portland to go see her.

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