
Monday, September 29, 2008

No more feeding tube

After a long night and no sleep Raegan and I got up and got ready so I could take her to the pediatrician for her first visit after leaving the hospital. The doctor said that Raegan looks great. Her weight is up to 5 lbs 7oz. We also took the feeding tube out, Raegan is no longer needing it. That's right Raegan has been eating every feeding from a bottle, and even better she has been eating more than the minimum required amount. On Saturday night we started using the Dr. Brown bottles, let me tell you it works great. We have tried so many bottles and nipples, and this one by far works the best. I recommend it to any one who has an infant.

One last thing, since I have come to know so much about the medical field, I have decided that I would do a medical fact of the week.

1 comment:

  1. I am soooo happy for all of you. Your family is now complete. I would love to come visit.(when you're ready) If you need anything just call. Even if it just some milk from the store. I hope sleeping gets better. Though if it does, I would be a little jealous. I have been back at work for 2 weeks and Kylee still gets up all the time. Ambara

