
Sunday, January 18, 2009


We have had a busy week. Monday Raegan had a follow up appointment with the neurosurgeon and an MRI to make sure her shunt was working. The doctor gave us the green light, he said things look great and we wont have to see them for a year. I was very excited to get such great news.

Thursday Raegan had a doctors appointment to get her RSV shot. She also decided that she was not going to eat all day. We went back to the doctors later that night and they increased the dosage of the reflux medication that she takes. So she ate a total of 7oz on Thursday. Friday we went back to the doctors to make sure everything was alright. They said that she didn't look sick, and if she didn't eat very well over the weekend to call the feeding specialist on Monday. All weekend she really has not ate very good. Tonight after not really eating all day I tried to get her to eat and she wouldn't. I knew that she was hungry so I had to put the feeding tube back in. Tomorrow morning when I get up I will be calling the doctors so we can get Raegan in for an upper GI to make sure everything is working and to maybe get her on some different medication and see if that helps.

So for tonight, I am going to get some sleep. It has been a long week, and I have another long week ahead.

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