
Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Raegan on the Swing at the park!

The last few weeks have been very busy are our house. We have had nice weather and we are trying to spend as much time as we can outside enjoying it. This weekend we did yard work at my parents, and then came home and planted a garden in our backyard. I don't have much space that gets sun all day so I got very creative with my planting. The veggies are planted in the dogs old kiddie swimming pool, the strawberries are planted in an old wagon that I found at my parents while doing yard work, and the herbs are planted in pots. We also brought home a swing from my parents house. It needed to washed down, but now it looks great and Raegan loves to go out and swing on it.

Raegan has had a lot of firsts in the last few days.
  • She sat up twice on her own for about two minutes each time.
  • She started grabbing her feet.
  • She went to the park, and loved swinging on the swings.
  • She went out on the neighbors boat last night and loved it.
Raegan is doing so much these days, she has been shaking her head no. I have been signing to her since she came home from the hospital and she is now starting to sign milk and eat. She doesn't do it all the time, and some times I wonder if that's what she is doing. She does understand what the signs mean and gets excited when I do them. For now we do the basics, but as she gets older I will start signing more.

I am trying to think of everything that has been going on. Raegan is 9 1/2 months old and her weight is at 13lbs, and she is 23 inches long. She did have a little cold about 2 weeks ago, but is over that and feeling great. She had an eye doctor appointment on Monday and the doctor said her eyes look great and she wont have to go back for a year.

I enjoy everyday with Raegan and look forward to the many more firsts that she will have.

Raegan and a few of her friends at the park (she is the oldest)!

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