
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Count down

It's hard to think that Raegan is going to be 1 year old in 9 days. This year has gone by so fast. It has been a good and bad year all wrapped into one. I can say as a person I have really been tested this last year to see how much I could really handle. With everything I have had to handle it has given me a new out look on life. I am so grateful for everyday I have with Raegan, besides medical struggles, I couldn't have asked for a better baby.

I know it has been a few weeks since I have blogged, but I have nothing but busy. On June 2nd my dad was admitted to the hospital to start chemo, to get him ready for his bone marrow transplant. He has been doing great up there, and will have his bone marrow transplant around the 6th of July. Raegan and I haven't been up to visit him in about 3 weeks, since her and I have been sick. The week after he went to the hospital Raegan got sick, and had a high fever followed by a really low temp, so I took her to the emergency room just to make sure there wasn't a problem with her shunt. After a long day with lots of test's she got the all clear and got to come home. Then this last week I got really sick and ended up at the emergency room myself. Turns out that I had strep. After two trips to the doctor, and a trip to the ER I am feeling better. Why does strep have to take such a toll on a person? I think back about 5 years ago to the last time I had strep, and I remember having it for over 16 days, and being so sick. Having my gallbladder out, and a c-section was not even as bad as strep.

Well Raegan is starting to fuss, so I better get going. I am hoping this week Raegan and I will continue to feel better, since next week is going to be a big week, oh and we really want to go see grandpa!

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