
Monday, June 7, 2010

In eight days

Raegan, my mom, and I will be up at the wee hours of the morning heading to the airport to go spend 13 days in Hawaii. I have been waiting 10 weeks for this vacation. As Spring quarter comes to an end all I can think about is Hawaii. After today I have 3 more days left of class. Last Thursday I finished everything for my typing class. Today I finished my proof reading & spelling class, and this afternoon I will finish my English class. This will just leave me with taking my English final which is a take home test that I will get today, my spelling test which I will take on Wednesday, and my math class which I will take a test this Thursday and next Monday I will take my final.

Raegan is doing so well. She is running around this house talking all the time. She cant make a sentence yet, but she knows so many words. She knows peoples names, she sings part of the alphabet efg and tuv, she also signs twinkle twinkle little star. She can sign milk, more, all done, please and thank you. She is starting to learn her colors, so far she knows and can say pink, red, and orange. I cant leave out the fact that 98% of the last 3 weeks Raegan has got up in the morning with a dry diaper. I am going to start potty training her when we get back from Hawaii!

Alright this college mom has to get back to studying.... 3 more days left!!!!

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