
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fight for Preemies

Every year, 20 million babies are born too soon, too small and very sick-half a million of them in the U.S. November 17th is when we fight!

Do you know a baby who was born too soon, too small, unable to breathe or nurse on their own? With 1 in every 8 babies born prematurely, you probably do. While medical advances give some babies a chance of survival, for many babies premature birth is a life-or-death condition. Babies who survive can face serious health challenges and risk lifelong disabilities.

The rate of premature birth has risen more than 30 percent since 1981. In half the cases, we simply don’t understand what went wrong. The March of Dimes is leading the fight for answers. And, ultimately, preventions.

November 17 is dedicated to raising awareness of the crisis. Take 3 steps to help fight premature birth:

1. Visit
2. Put a badge on your blog to help spread the word.
3. On November 17, blog for a baby you love and to help others.

We need to fight ― because babies shouldn’t have to.

This month is very dear to my heart. Raegan, born on July 3rd, 2008 at 29 weeks gestation, weighing only 1 pound and 9 ounces. Her due date was 09/13/08. After being admitted to the hospital at 27 weeks and 18 days of tests, ultrasounds and round the clock monitoring, the high risk doctors decided Raegan would need to come early. I thank God everyday for giving us Raegan and I appreciate all the prayers. She spent four long months in the NICU. She had enlarged ventricles, and spent over 3 months on a ventilator, or CPAP. She is 2 now and has had over 10 surgerys in her shirt life. 5 of which have been on her brain. I love her more then life itself and I am very thankful she is here today! No matter what we endure, I proudly support the March of Dimes.

Raegans birth details:

Name: Raegan Renae
DOB: 07/03/08 @ 06:12p
NICU stay: 06/03/08 to 10/22/08
Weight: 710 grams Length: 13 inches
Overall Satus: Critical and stable
Gest Age: 29 weeks 5 days
Admission to NICU Indications: Respiratory distress, Hydrocephalus and Prematurity.

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