
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Dear Dad

Dear Dad,
Happy Birthday!  As always, I hope things are well for you. I’ve got so many good things going on lately and wish you were here to see them. I have been volunteering a lot at church, helping on the security team on the weekends, and on Thursday nights I am a table leader for the woman's ministries. Last weekend I was asked if I would plan 10 year high school reunion so I have been busy this week trying to get details worked out. Can you believe it's been 10 years since I graduated!!!

Raegan is getting so big, I wish you could be here to see how much she has grown. She is just like me, and I see so much of you in her. She no longer needs services on a weekly basis, which I am so excited about. We are struggling with potty training, but I know we will get there soon. She is stubborn just like her Grandpa <3

I love you, Dad.  And miss you more than I thought I would.  Not that I thought I wouldn’t.

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